Chapter 2
Models of Growth: Rates of Change

WeBWorK2.2 The Derivative: Instantaneous Rates of Change


  1. In this exercise, \(f(t)\) is the reciprocal function, \(f(t)=1/t\).

    1. Calculate the difference quotient \(\Delta f/\Delta t\) algebraically for an arbitrary \(\Delta t\).
    2. Simplify your algebraic expression for \(\Delta f/\Delta t\) until the \(\Delta t\) in the denominator cancels. What does the difference quotient approach as \(\Delta t \to 0\)?
    3. What is the derivative of the reciprocal function?
  2. In this exercise, \(f(t)\) is the cubing function, \(f(t)=t^3\).

    1. Calculate the difference quotient \(\Delta f/ \Delta t\) algebraically for an arbitrary \(\Delta t\).
    2. Simplify your algebraic expression for \(\Delta f/ \Delta t\) until the \(\Delta t\) in the denominator cancels. What does the difference quotient approach as \(\Delta t \to 0\)?
    3. What is the derivative of the function \(f(t)=t^3\)?
  3. If the position \(s\) of a falling body at time \(t\) is given by \(s=c t^2\), where \(c=4.90\), find the instantaneous speeds at the following times.
    a.  \(t=3\)
    b.  \(t=2.34\)
    c.  \(t=\sqrt{7}\)
  4. Suppose \(s=3t^2+5\). Use our Graph tool or the zooming feature on your calculator to determine the values of \(ds/dt\) at each of the following times.
    a.  \(t=0.5\)
    b.  \(t=4\)
    c.  \(t=7\)
  5. If \(a\) and \(b\) are constants, find a formula for the derivative of \(y=at+b\).
  6. If \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\) are constants, find a formula for the derivative of \(y=at^2+bt+c\).

In Exercises 7–12, use a graphical approach to approximate the derivative of the function at \(t=1\) and \(t=2\).

7.   \(\log t\) 8.   \(t \log t\) 9.   \(\sin t\) 10.   \(\tan t\) 11.   \(2^t\) 12.   \(10^t\)

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